活動区分 Category of activities |
事業内容 Description of activities |
備考 Notes |
調査研究活動 Surveys/Research |
タンチョウ生息状況調査 Surveys on the distribution of the Red-crowned Crane and its population size. タンチョウ標識調査 Bird Banding Surveys 大陸と北海道とのタンチョウの遺伝子解析 Genetic
analysis of the Red-crowned Crane between the populations in Hokkaido and the
Northeast Eurasia |
繁殖期の飛行調査及び地上調査と情報収集,冬季カウント調査 Areal and terrestrial surveys during the breeding season, and collecting
the data of breeding pairs and their chicks, and winter count survey Banding chicks and tracking the previously banded cranes 酪農学園大学・帯広畜産大学と協力 In cooperation with the Rakuno Gakuen University and the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine |
保護・保全活動 Conservation |
タンチョウ生息地分散 Encouraging further dispersal of the Red-crowned Crane to avoid a high density habitat use 中標津俵橋湿原プロジェクト Nakashibetsu Tawarabashi Wetland Project キナシベツ湿原プロジェクト Kinashibetsu Wetland Project 鳥インフルエンザ対策 Bird flu countermeasure |
新規営巣地等についての情報収集、現地調査、タンチョウの行動追跡 Collecting
information on new nesting sites and surveys on the sites, and Tracking the
behaviours of the Red-crowned Crane Promoting conservation of the Red-crowned crane among the local government agencies and society, and activities to provide better or new habitats for breeding and wintering, control of corn feeding damage Field Assistant活動への協力と資料整備、等 Cooperation in Field Assistant activities and maintenance of materials, etc. 監視体制を充実させ、発生時の対応を検討する Enhance monitoring system and consider response to outbreaks |
教育普及活動 Education |
タンチョウその他ツルに関する講演・講習会・ポスター展示 Lectures, study sessions and exhibitions of the posters on the Red-crowned crane and the other species of cranes 出版物発行等 Publications |
年2回の勉強会、講演会、ポスター展示は随時開催 Hold biannual workshops, lectures, and poster exhibitions as needed. |
提言及び情報発信 Suggestions/Submissions and communications | 提言 Suggestions/Submissions 会報の発行・ホームページ等のSNSの活用など Issuing bulletins and Updating our SNS |
行政担当者への提言 Suggestions/Submissions/Advice to government agencies 会報:3回、TKGニュース:2回、HP・インスタグラム・フェイスブック等の随時更新 3 issues of the Bulletins, 2 issues of the TKG newsletters, SNS updates as required .Exhibitions of the posters showing the current situations of the Red-crowned crane and our activities |
国際協力活動 International Cooperation Activities |
国際タンチョウネットワークの活動への参加・協力 Participation
in activities of International Red-crowned Crane Network (IRCN) and cooperation
with IRCN 世界のツル関係者との交流及び情報交換 Socialising and exchanging new information on cranes with the persons concerned, including experts and conservationists of cranes |
国際エコキャンプ、中国・韓国・ロシアにおけるタンチョウの生息状況把握、ほか International Eco Camp, Understanding the population size and distribution in China, Korea and Russia, and others |
その他の活動 Others |
活動資金の調達等 Fund-rising for our activities |
TEL 0154-22-1993
FAX 0154-22-1993
9-21 Wakatake-Cho,
Kushiro, Hokkaido 085-0036
TEL +81-154-22-1993
FAX +81-154-22-1993